World Concern Bangladesh

Request for Quotation (RFQ) For: Development of Program Participant Profiles and Management Information System (MIS)

Project Title: Accelerating Livelihood Opportunities (ALO) to build resilient communities in Tala Sub-District, Satkhira District, Bangladesh.

Issue Date: March 17, 2025

Submission Deadline: March 31, 2025, 12:00 PM

Contact Email:

1. Background
The ALO Project is dedicated to building resilient communities by expanding livelihood opportunities in Tala Sub-District, Satkhira District, Bangladesh. The project aims to achieve key outcomes, including increasing household income, strengthening institutional capacity, and enhancing communities' ability to adapt to and recover from natural and human-induced challenges.
To effectively achieve these goals, the project requires a reliable, user-friendly, and technology-driven data management system. This system should:

• Ensure accurate and efficient participant data management.
• Enable real-time tracking of progress and project outcomes.
• Generate detailed reports on performance metrics, outcome indicators, and resource utilization.

A high-quality data management system is essential for informed decision-making, enhanced accountability, and adaptive project implementation. By integrating this system, the ALO Project aims to maximize efficiency, transparency, and impact, ensuring responsiveness to the evolving needs of the target communities.

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