Swisscontact is inviting proposals from potential Public Relations (PR) agencies to provide media coverage support for PRABRIDDHI events. People are at the core of what we do; we take pride in creating an atmosphere of continuous learning coupled with a strong focus on a collaborative work environment.


PRABRIDDHI is a Local Economic Development (LED) project, funded by the Government of Bangladesh and Switzerland, and co-implemented by the Local Government Division (LGD) and Swisscontact. The pilot phase of PRABRIDDHI came to a successful end by August 2020. Phase 1 of the project started in January 2021 for a period of four years and focuses on further development of the LED approach in participating municipalities, capacity building of stakeholders and facilitators of LED and an anchoring of the approach on national level. Throughout the phase, the project will be implemented in seven municipalities. Shibganj, Jashore, Bogura, and Bhairab, are the four municipalities where the project has been operating. In 2023, PRABRIDDHI has started implementation in two new municipalities, Dinajpur and Kushtia.

Purpose of the Job

The main objective of the assignment is to provide media coverage support for PRABRIDDHI events. 

Timeline of the assignment

The assignment will be carried out in a maximum of 50 days from 01 February to 31 December 2024. The quantity per area is subject to change based on events and circumstances.


The agency will be responsible for the following deliverables:

  • Provide maximum 10 electronic media coverage and 10 print media coverage for the specified events.
  • Provide a PR book upon the completion of each event, with 2-3 working days of the event.


  • The agency will report to the Manager-MRM & Communications of the project.

Profile of the Agency

  • PRABRIDDHI is looking for agencies having:
  • Previous experiences of media coverage targeting donor agencies, NGOs, INGOs, representatives of public and private sector working both on national and local level
  • Understanding of the local context of Bangladesh

Required Documents

  • The name of the assignment should be mentioned in the envelope while submitting the proposal. The proposal should include the following elements:
  • Portfolio and sample of previous works
  • Financial proposal

Application details

Interested bidders should submit the sealed envelope containing hard copies of portfolio and sample work, and financial proposals separately addressing the following person by 17 January 2024:

Samaun Bhuiyan

Coordinator – Business Administration

PRABRIDDHI: Local Economic Development (LED)

Swisscontact, House 28, Road 43, Gulshan-2, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh


The Technical proposal should also be sent to ‘Submission of application for providing media coverage support for PRABRIDDHI events’ should be mentioned in the subject line of the e-mail.

Failure to do so will disqualify the tendering organization from the tendering process. If a proposal is not received in the manner specified in the request, it is deemed as a non-qualifying proposal and will not be considered.

Swisscontact is an equal-opportunity employer. We strongly encourage female professionals to apply.

Please refer to the ToR for the full list of necessary documents to be included in the proposal.