Request for Proposal

Photographic Documentation of ASTHA Interventions/Activities

As an initiative to support Bangladesh in reaching the target of ensuring quality healthcare services at rural level communities, Swisscontact, in association with Novartis, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Julius Baer Foundation, is implementing the ASTHA (Achieving Sustainability Towards Healthcare Access) project. The project facilitates the development and integration of Community Paramedic services in rural Bangladesh. Its focus is to increase healthcare outreach in the rural inaccessible pocket areas, with special attention to Maternal and Child Health (MCH), Family Planning (FP) and Basic Primary Healthcare Services. The project in its Phase II and presently operating in seven districts, namely, Sylhet, Sunamganj, Barguna, Lalmonirhat, Rangpur, Nilphamari and Patuakhali.

To support the interventions of the project, ASTHA will appoint a photographer for the purpose of it photographic documentation of ASTHA interventions/activities. The objective of this assignment is to do photographic documentation of ASTHA’s project activities for 1 year as per necessity.

For the specifications of the tasks and roles, please see the detailed ToR- (Click here)

Submission Details

The technical and financial proposal can be submitted both online and offline with previous work examples (according to the 3 categories mentioned in Guideline for Photography section).

The deadline for submitting the proposal is 22 January, 2022.

The financial and technical proposal should be sent separately in different envelope or as different attachment.

The email address of the online submission is:

The subject line must mention “Photography of ASTHA Project Intervention”. High-resolution sample of works need to be shared via google drive or any other cloud-based storage system.

Swisscontact reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals/ application without assigning any reason whatsoever. Please note that if any applicant does not meet all the above eligibility criteria, the application will be disqualified without further evaluation.