Terms of Reference (ToR): Hiring a consultant for a study titled “Gender Equality & Inclusion – Self Assessment”
1. About Plan International
Founded over 85 years ago, Plan International is one of the oldest and largest children's development and humanitarian organizations in the world. Plan International plays an important role in mobilizing children, communities, and civil society organizations to claim the rights of children, especially girls and achieve agreed-upon local development priorities, towards a commitment to ensuring the well-being of children in support of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Plan International works in fifty-two developing countries across Africa, Asia and South America, and twenty-one countries raise funds to support these efforts.
1.1 About Plan International Bangladesh
Plan’s vision is of a world in which all children realize their full potential in societies that respect people’s rights and dignity, with high-quality programs that deliver long-lasting benefits. Children are at the heart of everything we do.
Plan International has been operating in Bangladesh since 1993. Plan International Bangladesh’s Country Strategy (2020-2030) is designed to empower adolescent girls and young women, to be heard, to live without fear of violence and to achieve their rights. In doing so, Plan international Bangladesh (PIB) will:
- empower children and young people as drivers of systemic change to gender norms and power relationships;
- promote an enabling environment for girls and young women to realize their sexual and reproductive health and rights and to live free from violence;
- raise public and private sector support for young women to access decent work opportunities in the twenty-first century labour market and have control over resources.
Plan International Bangladesh (PIB) has the country office in Dhaka, from where we are operating projects in Dhaka, Rangpur, Barisal and Chittagong divisions. Since 2017, we have a strong presence at Cox’s Bazar district under Chittagong division. Along with our main office at Cox’s Bazar, we have another field office at Ukhiya. By following the global mandate on emergency response and Disaster Preparedness Process (DPP) 4 , PIB supports both the Rohingya and host communities through humanitarian projects that provide lifesaving and resilience building assistance, while incorporating disaster risk management in its development work, to ensure protection of the most vulnerable groups, such as children, girls and young women, from the harmful impacts of conflicts, disasters and climate change. PIB also is attempting to strengthen its position within the climate resilience sphere, through a climate resilience model to contribute towards a long-term program that will provide durable solutions for girls, young women and youth in climate impacted areas, with a specific focus on their resilience and adaptive capacity building to the effects of climate change.
Through this initiative, PIB will also be a host to the global climate hub which will support the implementation of the model.
2. Background of the Study
Gender equality and inclusion are central to make the world a better place for all children both girls and boys to grow and live with dignity. Plan International is a leading organization which dedicates to promoting the rights of girls and striving for gender equality by reflecting its organizational culture, working methods, and relationships with stakeholders and duty bearers.
Therefore, it is imperative to undertake a study on Gender Equality and Inclusion Self-Assessment (GEISA). GEISA participatory reflection encourages staff to ‘take stock’ of all their work, to see how far their work promote gender equality and inclusion. Reviewing and reflecting on the quality and relevance of Plan’s current work allowed staff to understand what was working well, where the gaps were, and to decide on clear actions to improve the quality of work in the future.
The Gender Equality and Inclusion Self-Assessment (GEISA) is intended to help Plan International Bangladesh in comprehending the existing situation and what needs to change, establish clarity on what is to be achieved and how, using a gender and inclusion lens. Plan International Bangladesh has planned to carry out a participatory self-assessment called GEISA, driven by organization's strong ambition to adopt a gender transformative approach.
Click here to view details ToR
3. Application Process
The technical and financial proposals with along with the CVs of the lead consultant and other expertise (as applicable) with 03 relevant work samples, and three references (including one from an INGO) should be submitted electronically to the email address: Planbd.consultant.hiring@plan-international.org with the title “Proposals for Gender Equality & Inclusion – Self Assessment” as subject line.
Proposal submitted to any other email account except this and in hard copy will be treated as disqualified.
Submissions after the deadline 15 April, 2025 will be treated as disqualified. The proposals should be submitted in pdf format.
“Any direct or indirect pressure/persuasion/harassment to any Plan staff shall disqualify shortlisted consultant/vendors’
Women-owned businesses and companies actively engaged or advancing gender equality and women empowerment in the workplace are especially encouraged to apply.
Two different folders i.e. technical and financial should be submitted into one zip folder with a covering letter addressing to Md. Enamul Haque, Supply & Procurement Specialist, Plan International Bangladesh.