Request for Proposal (RFP)

Family Planning Manual Printing and Distribution

Pathfinder International is working in collaboration with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) to build the responsiveness of the health care system and improve the health and human capital of Bangladeshis by increasing the use of family planning (FP) services through universal health coverage through the USAID Accelerating Universal Access to Family Planning (AUAFP)/Shukhi Jibon project. The project supports producing and deploying skilled, responsive, and respectful FP providers; strengthens the delivery of quality FP services, especially for adolescents and youth, and postpartum women; and works with communities to transform norms around the use of family planning information and services. With a mandate to support the GOB to reach its FP objectives, Shukhi Jibon works closely with its MOHFW counterparts. Shukhi Jibon contributes to USAID Bangladesh’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS), specifically Strategic Objective 3: Health Status Improved. The goal of Shukhi Jibon is to contribute to the improved health and human capital in Bangladesh. The project deploys adaptive, needs-driven technical assistance (TA) and systems strengthening at the national, divisional, and district levels.

Pathfinder International currently seeks a vendor to procure Family Planning Manual Printing and Distribution.

For detail RFP please click here to download.

Click to download Annex 2

Click to download Annex 3

Submit soft copy of the cost proposal along with all required documents to Hard copies of the proposals will be requested later at Pathfinder International, Shezad Palace, 5th Floor, 32 Gulshan Avenue North C/A, Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh. All proposals must be delivered by the deadline. Submit the soft copies clearly mentioning “PIBD-DHK-RFQ-FY21-36” in the subject line no later than 4:00 PM, May 08, 2021.

Issuance of this Request for Proposal (RFP) in no way constitutes a commitment by Pathfinder to execute any agreement or to pay any costs incurred by firms that respond to this RFP.

Click Here to Download RFP- Question/Answer