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With Ref: PSR BGD-2021-COXB-047



About Humanity & Inclusion

Humanity and Inclusion (formerly Handicap International) is an international non-governmental Organization founded in 1982 and currently located in more than 60 countries worldwide. Humanity & Inclusion is an independent and impartial aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. The organisation works alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

About Humanity & Inclusion in the country

Humanity and Inclusion (HI) has been operational in Bangladesh since 1997 and has been working at supporting universal and inclusive access to services for all, particularly in the sectors of health, education and socio-economic empowerment. With a country team comprising over 325 staff (305 national and 20 international staff) HI is operating in 3 districts (namely Kurigram, Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar). In Dhaka, a Senior Management Team comprising of a Country Director, Operational Coordinator Technical Unit Coordinator and a Support Services Coordinator provides an oversight on all country operations. An Area Manager based in Cox’s Bazar office is guiding the district’s intervention through its two field offices in Ukhiya and Teknaf, managed by two Field Coordinators. In addition, HI has a team of technical unit comprising of MHPSS, Protection, Inclusion Specialist, Rehabilitation and Accessibility Technical Advisors, guaranteeing that international quality standards and best practices are implemented across all HI operations, strengthening technical capacity of the fields’ operations team and coordinating with clusters and technical working groups. As an organization, HI is well recognized for promoting the rights of vulnerable individuals throughout the emergency response while providing quality specialized services.

HI has been present in Cox’s Bazar for more than 12 years and comprises of an experienced and qualified team of professionals having a vast understanding of the local context and strong relationships with local authorities and influential partners.

Submission of applications

Application process

  • Interested applicant(s) should email Cover letter and CV (maximum 4 pages; with references), Company profile(s)
  • Documentation of legal status, and registration as a Company or individuals
  • Previous work experience with other NGO/International Agencies (Documented)
  • Technical proposal (maximum 15 pages) including the proposed methodologies and proposed schedule, Financial Proposal. The financial proposal should provide cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fees. The consultant has to cover all field related costs (accommodation, per diem, air tickets, and transportation to the field to collect data, food and other related costs).
  • Consultants that meet the requirements should submit an expression of interest to logistics@bangladesh.hi.org (Bangladesh) by close of business 5 May’2021.


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