Terms of Reference (ToR)

Developing Audio – Visual Training Module demonstrating disability concept (Module 1- 5 minutes), CFM/screening (Module 2- 10 minutes), community mobilization (module 3- 7 minutes and basic home care follow-up of Children with Disabilities (module 4- 10 minutes)

PD Ref : PD-UKHI-01239

1. Background:

In the context of Rohingya camps, addressing disability and inclusive education is crucial. Studies highlight the need to access education for school-aged forced migrants with disabilities, emphasizing the neglect historically faced by disabled individuals in humanitarian settings. Furthermore, the education sector in the camps faces challenges, particularly in providing comprehensive education for Rohingya children and adolescents, highlighting the necessity for multicultural education to address the educational gaps and ensure inclusive learning environments. Under the leadership of Education Sector 44 national and international organizations are working to ensure the educational rights of Rohingya children. The concern is many children including children with disabilities are left out of Rohingya Camp’s Education System; there are many reasons behind this – (i) lack of awareness about the importance of education, (ii) negative attitude towards children with disabilities, (iii) maltreatment from community peoples and peers; (iv) lack of welcoming behaviour from the teachers and LC’s authorities; (v) inadequate knowledge and skills of education actors; (vi) Inaccessible environment and infrastructures; (vii) lack of educational achievements, educational knowledge and skill among the Rohingya teachers. Within the situation – HI has been working for ensuring technical supports in the field of disability and inclusive education.

HI, in partnership with UNICEF, has worked in Cox's Bazar since 2021. HI brings significant experience working on Education for more than 20 years on quality inclusive education for Children with Disabilities. UNICEF and Handicap International (HI) agreed to continue the partnership with a special focus on developing the capacities of Rohingya teachers to create inclusive and sustainable education environments and deliver personalized education support for Children with Disabilities. HI conducted training on (i) Inclusive Education, (ii) screening and identification of Children with Disabilities, (iii) Reasonable Accommodations, (iv) Referral Pathway and orientation on (i) Disability Inclusion, and (ii) Accessible Education Materials.

Under this project, HI wants to develop an audio-visual Training Module demonstrating disability concepts, CFM/screening, community mobilization and basic home care follow-up of Children with Disabilities. These audio-video materials will be used as a resource pack to facilitate training, workshops and orientation on disability, screening and identification of children with disabilities, disability and inclusive education focused community mobilization and individualized need-based support for children with disabilities for their daily living activities.

Click Here to Download Full ToR

Submission Deadline: 18/08/2024