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Terms of Reference (ToR)
Consultancy Work for “Organizing Online Meetings with Advocacy Stakeholders and Campaigning”

ActionAid Bangladesh (AAB), an affiliated member of ActionAid Federation, has been working in Bangladesh for three decades in solidarity with lagged-behind socio-political and economically excluded people for eradicating poverty and ensuring justice. AAB aims at facilitating people for challenging poverty and exclusion through its human rights-based approach (HRBA). ActionAid Bangladesh has been implementing Making Market Work for Women (MMWW) project for promoting women agri-entrepreneurship and bringing the transformational change in existing market system in rural areas along with ensuring the SRHR and nutrition services to the women agri-entrepreneurs and other member of their families. The project is being implemented with the financial assistance of Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) in selected areas of Patuakhali, Faridpur, Bogura and Gaibandha districts. The project has been advocating with LGED, LGD, DAM, Joyeeta Foundation and DGFP on construction of collection point and market shed beyond the project areas, assurance the inclusion of women representation in Market Management Committee (MMC) in local marketplaces, inclusion of rural women agri-entrepreneurs in National Agricultural Marketing Program, promotion of women agri-entrepreneurs’ products in national and international markets and introduction of Flexible hour in Union Health and Family Welfare Centre (UHFWC) over the country for ensuring SRHR and nutrition services to the school going rural adolescent girls and boys respectively. Some of its outcomes has already been achieved along with some extent of progresses in its advocacy initiatives. Now the project wants to share the experience and achievements on policy issues like construction, operation and maintenance of market space, proper implementation of government Hat-Bazar related Nitimala-2011, involvement of rural women agri-entrepreneurs in National Agricultural Marketing Policy-2020, extension of activities of Joyeeta Foundation at Upazila level and issuance of a circular for introducing flexible hour in each UHWFC with respective government stakeholders, representatives of donors, INGOs and NGOs, researchers, academicians and mass people through print and social media campaigning for raising awareness to take necessary steps by respective authorities for creating opportunities of promoting women agri-entrepreneurship in rural areas of Bangladesh. In that point of view MMWW project intends to work with a media along with its social and digital media to campaign the outcomes and advocacy initiatives of the project for sharing the learnings on rural women entrepreneurship development, ensuring women-friendly market environment, transforming market behavior and its potentiality with the policy planners, donors, INGOs, NGOs, researchers, academicians and mass people.

The deadline for submission of Proposal is Monday, 03 May 2021.

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