Term of Reference (ToR)
“Develop Video Documentary on Indigenous adolescent girls and Traditional Women leaders Life”

Overall objectives of assignment
The overall objective of this work is to Develop Video Documentary on Indigenous adolescent girls and traditional women leaders Life under Women Empowerment through Learning Leadership (WELL) Project through producing visual documentary and to highlights the story of changes or innovations through short video clips. 
This documentary will be used in as visual communications materials and to familiarize Women Empowerment through Learning Leadership (WELL) Project.
Technical and Financial Proposal submission date
Send soft signed copy of Technical and Financial Proposal in PDF format through below email by 30 October 2023 within 5.00 pm.
E-Mail: weaves_2009@yahoo.com
Duration of assignment 30 days

Organization Background:

Women's Education for Advancement and Empowerment (WEAVE) is a Local NGO. It is established in 2008. WEAVE strives towards a progressive and peaceful CHT with high literacy rate & good governance that is free of discrimination – equal for men & women. To contribute to a progressive CHT places through providing capacity building, peace building, gender, advocacy and income generation services to the people with special focus on women and marginalized groups in the relevant sectors. 

Program Background:

The program name “Women Empowerment through Learning Leadership (WELL)” of WEAVE is focusing to enhance women empowerment of traditional women leaders, women members of local government, youth women and girls in Rangamati District. This project works with the population of Indigenous community.
Major focuses of the program are:

  • Capacity building
  • Representation and Participation
  • Strengthening Leadership
  • Women Rights Issues and Movement
  • Access to Services
  • Advocacy
  • Leadership and Empowerment

Scope of Work:

The external resource person/consultant will work in close coordination with the program team of WEAVE will expect to undertake the following tasks:

  • Review program documents, program outputs, WEAVE’s profile with their working areas in this program;
  • Design outline of whole works and Develop plan of the assignment;
  • Develop script and share with WEAVE team, incorporate comments and finalize the script based on comments and feedback;
  • Video shooting and editing;
  • Full usage rights for music (or music for which copyright has been granted) along with background music;
  • Develop and share draft video documentary with WEAVE team;
  • Prepare final video documentary, with narrative, translation and subtitle in English.
  • Good and skill voice over person’s select and before finalise communicate with WEAVE;
  • Location will be in project areas of Rangamati Sadar and Kawkhali Upazilla;
  • Total proposed cost might be negotiated by WEAVE with mutual agreement of both parties.
  • Submission of the video documentary in Web MPEG-4 and DVD format. Mpeg-4 format should include different quality versions i.e. HD, FHD, 4k, 8k, 10k etc.
Length of documentary 15-20 minutes (as primary product), 3-5 minutes as final documentary
Language The language of documentary will be in standard Bangla (With English subtitle)
Subtitle of the documentary The subtitle will be in English
Target Audience The primary target audience are Stakeholders, Policy Makers, Civil Society, Partners and Donors

Deliverable Output:

  • Draft plan of the work detailing the content, travel plan etc.
  • Final Script (Bengali)
  • Submit draft Documentary
  • Submit Final documentary (In deferent format e.g. competent to be use grassroots, Web and mobile version, etc. in CD)
  • Submit all raw materials (master copy) collected during the filming for any possible future production initiated by WEAVE.

Start date        :  5 November 2023
End date          :  4 December 2023

Remuneration of the assignment/organization/firm

WEAVE will pay remuneration of external resource person/consultant subject to timely and satisfactory completion of the contracted work through following instalments. All payments will be made through account payee cheque. VAT and Tax will be deducted from the payment as per government circular.

1st installment (25%) Finalize the script The first installment will be provided
2nd installment (50%) Submission of final draft documentary  & video clips The second installment will be provided
Final installment (25%) Submission of final copy with voice over and sub-title  The final installment will be provided

Budget (Financial part of the proposal)
All cost should be quoted in BDT. The budget of the tasks should be broken down in details as per convenient format. Also this summary budget information should be inserted in the Front page of technical proposal.

General Terms and Conditions:

Either party can terminate this agreement with a written notice within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of signing this agreement. WEAVE reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the contract if:

  • The external resource person/consultant cannot fulfill any clause of Terms of Reference.
  • The external resource person/consultant cannot submit their documentary within the specified time.
  • Any document, information or data entrusted to or produced by the firm in connection with this assignment shall be strictly confidential and cannot be used by the external firm for any other purpose without the written consent of the WEAVE and MJF authority. This provision shall remain valid even after the completion of this assignment.
  • In the event of a major natural disaster, war or major civil or political unrest this agreement may be renegotiated and jointly revised between the two parties recognizing any consequent change in the environment for implementation.

Copyright and Ownership of Assignment:
WEAVE reserves the copyright of all information, findings and the final documents produced through this process.

General Clause:

  • All documents prepared during the assignment will be treated as WEAVE property. Assignment will not be sub-contracted to anyone.
  • If any additional time is required to complete the contract, over and above that previously agreed to, without changing deliverable and technical specification, then it has to be agreed by WEAVE before 10 days ending of Consultancy period. Request for Extension must be submitted with proper justification.
  • If required any change by WEAVE, it should be rationalized in written with required cost or time, or any part of the work under the contract, equitable adjustment in the contract price, delivery schedule, or both will be amended in writing.
  • The consultant/team will be responsible for all their costs including taxes, subsistence, transport and accommodation.
  • Submissions which do not meet all the basic requirements will not be reviewed.

Penalty Clause:

  • If the agreed deadline and /or deliverables are not adhered to by the consultant/team, financial penalties will be imposed upon the consultant/team in terms of payment. This is specified as follows:
  • In case of delayed submission of the deliverables up to one-month delay, 30% of the contract amount will be deducted.
  • Delay of more than one month, will result in auto cancelation of the contract and forfeit of the remaining 50% of the contract value.
  • Confidentiality of all aspects of the assignment is to be assured by the consultant/team at all times.  

WEAVE reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals/application without assigning any reason what so ever.

Discloser of information:

It is understood and agreed that the Consultant(s) shall, during and after the effective period of the contract, treat as confidential and not disclose, unless authorized in writing by WEAVE, any information obtained in the assignment of the performance of the Contract. Information will be made available for the consultants on a need-to-know basis.

Safeguarding / Protection Policy:

The videography team shall comply with the MJF’s Policy on safeguarding and child Protection policy. Any violation/ deviation in complying with MJF’s Policy on Children Protection and vulnerable adults will not only result-in termination of the agreement but also MJF will initiate appropriate action in order to make good the damages/ losses caused due to noncompliance of MJF’s safeguarding policy.

How to apply:

Interested consultant/team/firm are requested to submit soft copy of proposals (maximum 3 pages) in PDF format  (including, copy of TIN, methodology, activity plan, proposed script, budget, professional CV, and evidence of working experiences) before 30 October, 2023 through email to  weaves_2009@yahoo.com