Terms of Reference (ToR) of the study on Youth Engagement in Promoting SRHR Service Provision and Access for Adolescents and Youth in Bangladesh

1. Background and Context: In Bangladesh, adolescents and youth (A&Y) face significant challenges in accessing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services. Youth engagement has emerged as a critical strategy to bridge this gap, ensuring that SRHR services are inclusive, accessible, and responsive to the needs of A&Y. The current program operates across all 64 districts of Bangladesh, engaging youth platforms, primary and secondary schools, community health clinics, and government line departments. This ToR outlines the scope of an assessment aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of youth engagement in promoting SRHR services. The documentation will contribute to a learning report, video documentation, and a model to leverage future funding.

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Deadline for Application Submission: 9 November 2024