Terms of Reference (ToR) for Final Evaluation of
Inclusive Care and Protection for children affected/infected by AIDS and children with disabilities (ICP)


Save the Children has been working in the areas of care and protection and empowerment of extremely vulnerable groups of children in Dhaka, Chattogram and Sylhet. To address the needs of the children, the orgaisation is implementing a project that focuses on protection interventions and ensures that all children realize their rights and protection in a non‐discriminatory environment. This project titled “Inclusive Care and Protection for children affected/infected by AIDS and children with disabilities (ICP)” is implemented by the Child Protection Sector of Save the Children in Bangladesh, in partnership with Bangladesh Protibondhi Foundation (BPF), Mukto Akash Bangladesh (MAB) and Center for Services and Information on Disabilities (CSID). Funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) with the technical support of Save the Children Australia, the project was initiated in August 2017 and will end in July 2021. The overall goal of this project is that ‘All girls and boys particularly children with disabilities (CWDs) and children affected by AIDS (CABA) in 20 targeted communities live free from all forms of violence and are better protected through strengthened local community systems and family care’. The total direct beneficiaries of this project are approximately 17,238 individuals (5,480 children and 11,758 parent/caregivers)

The project has the following three strategic outcomes.

Outcome 1: Targeted girls and boys including CWDs and CABA in chosen communities are better protected through improved family care and aware of local child protection response mechanisms.

Outcome 2: CWDs and CABA are accepted and better protected by community members with reduced prevalence of stigma, violence, and discrimination.

Outcome 3: Strengthened national and local level government systems, authorities and committees engaged collaboratively to respond and intervene to improve the gender-equal protection, care and welfare of girls and boys at risk including CWDs and CABA.

The ICP project has already passed its three and half years of implementation and progressing towards ending. As per the MEAL plan, Save the Children intends to conduct an external final evaluation aligned with SCI standards and ANCP requirements to explore whether the project has progressed in right direction, and met the needs of the children. It will create an opportunity to identify area of improvements for future programming and gather lessons learnt.

This evaluation will build upon the baseline study previously conducted.

The specific objectives of this evaluation are:

  • To assess the relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency of the project intervention
  • To measure the progress of outcome indicators against the baseline
  • To assess the impact and identify how the project is progressing towards sustainability.
  • To obtain recommendations and areas of improvements

Based on above, Save the Children has planned to Final Evaluation in its working. To review Final Evaluation this Inclusive Care and Protection for children affected/infected by AIDS and children with disabilities (ICP)  a consulting firm/agency will be hired on behalf of Save the Children as per following Term of Reference (ToR).  

  • Terms of Reference can be downloaded from this link.
  • Request for Proposal (RFP) can be downloaded from this link.
  • Final Evaluation Template can be downloaded from this link.
  • Log Frame ICP Project can be downloaded from this link.
  • Pre-bid Meeting Minutes can be downloaded from this link
  • Supplier declaration can be downloaded from this link

Submission of Proposal

Interested consulting firm/agency are requested to submit their technical & financial proposal in soft PDF copy separately through email: Dhaka.Procurement@savethechildren.org. Proposal should be submitted with the detail’s outlines, methodology, budget plan, time frame and CVs of experts along with required legal and supporting documents as per RFP.  

A Pre-Proposal Meeting will take place on 27th April 2021, 11.00 through the link:
Interested consulting firm/agency are requested to attend the pre –proposal meeting.

Soft copy of the proposal duly signed should be submitted to following email with the subject line and reference no Final Evaluation, Reference No. RFP/SCI/BDCO/FY-21/00013 latest by 5th May 2021 sharp 2.00 PM.