SKS Foundation is hereby inviting a Request for Proposal for
“Interpreters for SKS Foundation’s webinars”

General RFP Guidelines and Instructions:

RFP Name:

Interpreters for SKS Foundation’s webinars

RFP Reference: SKS/2025/07
ToR (Terms of Reference) for this Final Evaluation Click here to download the ToR  
The detailed ToR for this assignment is also available on SKS website:
Proposal submission: Separate Technical and Financial proposals shall be sent directly through email in PDF format to:
Email Subject: RFP for Interpreters for SKS Foundation’s webinars Shall be mentioned in the subject line.
Deadline for the submission of proposals: On or before 10 April 2025

SKS Contact regarding Technical Specification:

Khandoker Zahid Shorwar
Deputy Director-Development Programs
SKS Foundation

SKS reserves the rights to accept or reject this RFP process without sharing any reason whatsoever.