Population Services and Training Center (PSTC)

Expression of Interest (EoI)
Developing a policy brief on safe cities and effective city governance for parliamentary standing committees on disaster management and relief

Population Services and Training Center (PSTC) invites applications from individual consultant/firm for ‘Developing a policy brief on safe cities and effective city governance for parliamentary standing committees on disaster management and relief’ of SURP II project.

Through a competitive process, consultant firm/individual will be selected as per policy of PSTC. The consultant firm/individual will be responsible to ensure quality and for delivering the final outputs on time.

Interested Consultant(s) are requested to CLICK HERE for a detailed ToR.

Submission of Proposal:

All interested Consultant(s) are requested to submit their technical and financial proposals in different two sealed envelopes. All documents should be delivered in hard copy in a sealed envelope to –

Mohammad Azad
Component Manager (HRA)
House #93/3, Level 4-6
Road # 8, Block –C
Niketon, Gulshan 1
Dhaka 1212

Also email to azad.m@pstc-bgd.org

Proposal submission deadline is: 10 November 2020