
Human Relief Foundation (HRF) is a charitable international humanitarian non-governmental organisation registered in the UK (Reg. no. 11262810) with its head office in Bradford and branches in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Cardiff, and Paris. HRF is a well-established and respected organisation operating in 22 of the world’s most deprived and impoverished countries. HRF is a signatory to the code of conduct of standards of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Society. HRF has a partnership agreement with the European Commission Humanitarian Aid - ECHO and is a member of the British Overseas National Development Forum – BOND and many other international humanitarian aid organisations.

HRF has partnered with the Islamic Development Bank – IsDB to implement the ‘Multi-sector Assistance for Displaced Rohingya Refugees and Host Populations in Bangladesh’ project. The project is implemented in various Rohingya Camps and Host Communities in the Cox’s Bazar district, collaborating with five national NGOs as implementing partner organisations. Therefore, the following Terms of Reference have been set out to conduct the audit of the IsDB project being implemented in Bangladesh.

Appointment of External Auditor

An External Auditor, who must be a Chartered Accountant Firm in Bangladesh, shall be appointed by the Human Relief Foundation.

Audit Period

The audit period will be from 01 October 2020 to 30 June 2024.

Estimated Project Expenses

The estimated project expenses for the said audit period are approximately BDT 50 crore.


The proposal submission deadline is on or before Wednesday, 31 July 2024, at 6.00 pm.

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