Terms of Reference

Request for Proposals for the

“National Situation Analysis on Health Equity-Bangladesh”
with the Application of the “UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” and WHO “Global report on health equity for persons with disabilities”.
PD Ref : PD-UKHI-01316



Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
House- 3A, Road- 36, Gulshan- 2, Dhaka-121



Handicap International- Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international aid and development organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable groups, it takes action and provides testimony in order to meet their basic needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights. Handicap International is a non-profit organization with no religious or political affiliation.  It operates as a federation made up of a network of associations which provide human and financial resources, manage projects and implement its actions and campaigns. Handicap International is present in Bangladesh since 1997.

HI is a global actor recognized for its expertise on disability inclusion in the health sector. In line with the CRPD and the SDGs, despite these international frameworks, the right to health of persons with disabilities - representing about 16% of the world population - is consistently violated . Commonly, persons with disabilities encounter barriers to accessing health services, including physical, communication, attitudinal and institutional barriers and less health coverage, directly leading to worse health outcomes. For example, persons with disabilities are two to four times more likely to be denied health care, to be treated badly in the health care system, and to find health care providers’ skills and facilities inadequate to meet their health needs. As a result, persons with disabilities have 2.4-fold higher mortality rates than those without disabilities and are missing 10 to 20 years of life expectancy. The information available on barriers and facilitators to health care for persons with disabilities remain limited with scarce health related data disaggregated by disability, gender, and age When it comes to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) information and services, the rights of persons with disabilities and especially of women and girls continue to be violated due to deep-rooted discriminatory attitudes and practices, and a lack of law and policy enforcement. Denial of bodily autonomy and the right to informed consent, forced sterilization and contraception, forced pregnancy, coercive abortion and other forms of gender-based violence, denial of maternal, parenting and parental rights, denial of legal capacity and decision-making, lack of access to information and services, and a lack of access to justice are among the key rights violations’ women with disabilities face.

HI promotes the rights to access health, particularly focused on sexual and reproductive health information and services for all including persons with disabilities and vulnerable populations in development and fragile settings. HI is committed to universal access to health care services, integration of reproductive health into national strategies and program, and empowerment of persons with disabilities on advocacy, comprehensive sexual education, health literacy and social behavioral change communication. HI promotes an intersectional perspective aiming at applying a gender, age and disability lens to all actions. As a non-state actor in official relations status with WHO, HI builds on a long history of collaborating with the WHO in the health sector and contributes to supporting the rollout of the WHO Global Report on Health Equity for persons with disabilities. HI works on inclusive HSS in line with the six WHO Building blocks ((i) service delivery, (ii) health workforce, (iii) health information systems, (iv) access to essential medicines, (v) financing, and (vi) leadership/governance)


To download full ToR, Click this Link.

Interested consultants who meet the requirements should submit a proposal by 01/10/2024 ( 11.59 PM BGD Time)