Terms of Reference (ToR)

Development of Training Curriculum & Conduction of Training for the Master Trainer on Specific Pedagogy (Teaching-Learning Process) Related to Children with Visual, Hearing and Speech Impairment (FDMN Context)

PD Ref : PD-UKHI-01240

1. Background

Bangladesh generously hosts close to one million FDMN/ Refugees from Myanmar, making it one of the largest protracted refugee situations in the world. Following the influx in 2017, the humanitarian community closely worked with the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) to respond to the humanitarian needs caused by the large-scale displacement.

In the FDMN Context, the Sectors involved in the Rohingya humanitarian response include (i) Education, (ii) Food Security, (iii) Health, (iv) Livelihoods & Skills Development, (v) Nutrition, (vi) Protection/Child Protection (CP)/Gender-Based Violence (GBV), (vii) Shelter-Camp Coordination and Camp Management (S-CCCM), and (viii) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). These Sectors work together to ensure that all Rohingya refugees and the affected host communities have access to basic services in a predictable, efficient, and timely manner. Among all the sectors – education sector is playing most crucial roles to implement educational facilities for the children in the Rohingya camp context. Because education is the fundamental rights for all the school-aged children in the globe; according the article 26 in UNCRPD – ‘everyone has the right to education, education shall be free at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory’.

Presently, Education Sector has 46 active partners to implelment edcuational interventions for the children. A total 292,166 (144,213 female and 147,953 male) children enrolled in 5744 Learning Facilities with 8,883 teachers/ facilitators. The enrollment of children with disabilities in the learning facilities is strategically priorilized by the Education Sector. The target is 3% children with disabililities will have to be enrolled; yet to this date the achievement is 0.5% children with disabilities have been enrolled in the learning facilities. The below are the disability scenario in the camp context –

  1. PWG-REACH age & disability assessment report, 2021, stated that about 12% of the FDMN/ population in the camps suffer from varying degrees of disabilities;
  2. 2% of children ages 2 - 4 and 3% of children ages 5 - 17 are children with disabilities.
  3. Significantly lower proportions of children with disabilities than children without disabilities were found to have been enrolled in formal and informal learning centers
  4. Overall, 65% of children with disabilities aged 5 to 9 had reportedly attended temporary learning centers (TLCs) for at least 4 days a week.
  5. Overall, 59% of boys with disabilities aged 5 to 14 were reported as having been enrolled in TLCs, compared to 82% of girls with disabilities of the same age group.

The above data showed that most of the children with disabilities in the camp context remain unenrolled for many reasons. The most raised and important reason is – that teachers in the camp context are not capable enough to address the learning needs of the ‘children with disabilities.

Recognizing the lack of inclusive teaching-learning techniques, HI Bangladesh is implementing two Inclusive Education projects in the Rohingya camps context (i) Education for Rohingya Refugee Children and Host Community Children in Bangladesh funded by ECW (Education Cannot Wait); and (ii) Access to Education for Children with Disabilities in Rohingya Refugee Camps and Host Communities funded by UNICEF.  Under both projects (UNICFE and ECW), ‘the capacity building of the teachers on specific pedagogy focused on hearing, visual and speech impairments. From HI’s experience in Disability and Inclusive Education field – we found that teachers cannot communicate properly in the classroom with children with hearing, visual and speech impairments.

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Submission Deadline: 24/08/2024