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Good Change for the World

Vacancy Announcement

Good Neighbors (1991) is an international humanitarian, development and non-governmental organization with membership in General Consultative Status in the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC). Winner of MDG 2 award in 2007, Good Neighbors Bangladesh (GNB) is operating 17 Community Development Projects (CDP) and 3 Projects with Specific Program (PSP) in 13 districts for child protection, education, health, women empowerment, income generating activities, DRR and Rohingya emergency response activities. Good Neighbors Bangladesh (GNB) intends to recruit suitable personnel for the following positions:

1. Key Position Information
Title of Post Officer (Health) Employment Type Staff on Annual Contract
 Post Number 05  Job Location Anywhere in 13 districts of Bangladesh (Urban /Rural) where Good Neighbors Bangladesh work
Report to Respective Supervisor Closing Date 28 January 2023
Contract Period 2 years (including minimum 6 months’ probation period)








2. Basic Requirement:

Education: HSC and 4 years MATS/ Paramedic/ Nursing Training

Age: Maximum age 35 years (as on 15 January 2023)

Experience: Minimum 2 years (experience with only evidence and relevance will count). Sound knowledge in Micro-soft office and English language (Speaking & writing).

Preference: GN Bangladesh strongly encourages qualified female candidates to apply.

3. Contract Information:

Salary and Others: Salary Package for this role is 16,200 BDT (Per month)

Contract Period: Annual basis contractual position with 06 months’ probation period. Extension depends on probation and yearly performance evaluation.

4. Job Assignment in Brief:

Types of Responsibilities
Details about Job Responsibilities
1. Primary Responsibilities
  • Work to improve 'standard health check-up' in all CDPs for visible progress in the nutritional status of our children.
  • Organize issue based health education session/campaign/day observation.
  • Provide reproductive health supports.
  • Establish sustainable partnership and networking for access to public health and keep record of community clinics/government hospitals, private/NGO clinics and access of our community.
  • Promote Community Health Workers (CHW) and Health Volunteer Female.
  • Maintain documentation, report preparation and submission within the deadline.
2. Secondary Responsibilities
  • Support to prepare monthly and yearly activities schedule.
  • Monitoring and tracking of expenditure against budget.
  • Regular update all records and registers
  • Support to provide information, reports, special assignments required by donor or GNB as and when required.
3. Other Responsibilities
  • Any other duties required by project authorities.

5. Capacity Requirement:

  • Proven capacity and experience of public health activities
  • Ability to understand the human rights aspects of the health of children and women
  • Positive attitude towards social service and adaptability to organizational vision and values
  • Assisting to facilitate liaison & communication with relevant partners
  • Effective interpersonal and communication skills with external partners and capacity to interact in a multicultural environment.
  • Agile working mindset and adaptable to fast changes
  • A flexible, positive, and inspirational team player
  • Fully computer literate and demonstrated a high understanding of Microsoft Office programs (Outlook, Word & Excel)

Application procedure:

Submission of Application: If all of this sounds like it might be your kind of thing then you should definitely apply by 28 January 2023. We are requesting you to download the prescribed format  from GNB website and send to the email address .

[Must mention basic information of yourself, age, total year of experience, education with major subject, expected and current salary amount, possible date of joining, two references (one should be Current/Last Supervisor) in your CV]

Applications without required information, proper subject in email or incomplete application will not be considered.

Please mention the position name “Officer (Health)” in the email subject line.

Call for interview: If your CV is selected then a recruiter will invite you over phone/email, followed by a couple of written/oral tests as applicable for the recruitment of the position. (Please provide your active email address, mobile number, and/ or contact information)

Only short-listed candidates will be called for assessment.

Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply.

Good Neighbors Bangladesh, House 5, Road 2, Block A, Swadesh Shornaly Abashan, Purbachal Express Highway, Barua, Khilkhet, Dhaka 1229, IP phone: +88-09613858585

*Unwanted telephone calls/contacts (before or after recruitment test) will result to disqualification.

Good Neighbors Bangladesh is concerned about the rights of child and women and has “Zero Tolerance” policy for any kind of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.