E-Zone HRM Limited is a management consulting group providing one-stop solutions to clients who seek improved and sustainable profitability through the effective use of their people and resources. We specialize in delivering innovative and value added services that promote revenue growth and cost containment.
E-Zone HRM Limited has a formal agreement with one of the United Nations Agency to provide outsourcing services under a third party contract.
E-Zone HRM Limited is now accepting applications from Bangladeshi Nationals for the following vacancies under third party outsourcing contract modality:
Emergency Nutrition Officer - IYCF/CMAMI
Duty Station: Teknaf and Ukhia
Contract Duration: 11.5 Months
Number of Vacancies: 1 (One)
Contract Type: Contract with E-Zone
Contract Start Date: 1 July, 2021
Reporting to: Nutrition Specialist
A. Background:
Cox’s Bazar district with a population of 2.3 million people, of whom around 53 per cent are children, is one of the worst performing districts in Bangladesh in terms of Child Protection, Education, Nutrition, WASH and Health indicators. Following the escalating violence and persecution in Myanmar, around 908,000 Rohingyas have crossed the border into Bangladesh and 99 per cent of whom live in camps. The latest SMART surveys -2020 in the FDMN camps and host community reported a global acute malnutrition rate of more than 11.3 percent which gets categorized as “high” based on WHO/UN Agency global threshold recommendations. Similarly, the prevalence of chronic malnutrition is above 30 percent for both the camps and host community and the gets categorized as “very high” based on WHO/ UN Agency global threshold recommendations. The survey also reflected poor infant and young child feeding (IYCF) and care practices as indicated by 26.4 per cent children 6-23 months having a minimum acceptable diet supplemented by 44.8 per cent had minimum dietary diversity and 56.2 per cent reached minimum meal frequency, which highlighted the need to implement a comprehensive IYCF interventions.
A UN Agency and Save the Children International led a nutrition sector IYCF in emergencies (IYCF–e) monitoring exercise in April/May 2019 to examine practices within the FDMN community. The findings of the IYCF-e exercise reveal that 50 per cent of new-borns receive pre-lacteal feeding of honey, sugar water, and mustard oil within the first three days after birth. Timely initiation of breastfeeding was reported by 79 per cent of those interviewed, while exclusive breastfeeding among children 0-5 months was reported in 64 per cent of cases. Timely introduction of semi-solid, solid or soft food, which is recommended when children are 6 months old, was practised by 51 per cent of mothers interviewed, however, they reported that they mostly start giving foods at 7-8 months instead of at the recommended 6 months. Dietary diversity and meal frequency among children aged 6–23 months was generally poor with only 46 per cent of children meeting the minimum dietary diversity, 56 per cent reaching minimum meal frequency, and 27 per cent having a minimum acceptable diet. It was found that there is limited knowledge on types of complementary food and limited dietary diversity in the FDMN settlements.
In order to address the complex emergency situation FDMN due to influx of Rohingya from August 2017, UN Agency is providing technical, logistical, programmatic as well as Human Resource support to establish and scale up Emergency Nutrition services and ensure accessibility of the services for the Undocumented Myanmar Nationals along with those living in Registered camps. As a part of human resource support, UN Agency proposes one Emergency Nutrition Officer (ENOs) from 15 th May 2021 to 30th April 2022 to continue providing this crucial technical support.
B. Objectives, Purpose and Expected Results
The purpose of this assignment by Emergency Nutrition Officers (ENO), who will be placed in Ukhia and support 26 integrated health facilities and 27 Nutrition Facilities in camps (in Ukhiya and Teknaf) is to regularly monitor the program, problem identification and solving, hand holding of local staff and building capacity of the staffs of partners NGOs specially the frontline workers such as Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) /CMAMI (Community Management of At-risk Mothers and Infants under 6 months) Counsellors and community health volunteers specially focusing on IYCF and CMAMI component of the nutrition intervention. Working as part of the UN Agency Nutrition team in Cox’s Bazar, the incumbent will provide complementary human resource capacity, supporting field monitoring, and strengthening referral and linkage with health and other relevant sectors supporting promotion of IYCF/CMAMI. She will closely work with implementing health and nutrition partners to ensure the quality implementation of IYCF and CMAMI through on job coaching mentoring and supportive supervision.
To achieve the expected results, the ENOs will provide technical support to the Partner NGOs in implementing their projects. In addition, the ENO will support coordination efforts with key stakeholders at the Rohingya camps, strengthening surveillance, reporting and planning. In addition to providing on the job training, timely technical assistance for partner staff, the ENO will establish linkages across key stakeholders, ensure that quality standards are being met during implementation, activities are regularly monitored with recommended actions, and progress reported in a timely manner regarding IYCF and CMAMI interventions. Acting as the first line of support for nutrition partners in every Camps she will identify bottlenecks, undertake corrective actions, report back to the Nutrition Section on results achieved against key indicators on IYCF and CMAMI.
The ENO will work closely with the UN Agency CXB Nutrition Team, based in Cox's Bazar Field Office, She will also coordinate with other ground level actors in different sectors and other sectoral Officials of UN Agency for establishing cross-sectoral linkage of services and interventions.
C. Description of Assignment
ENO will support to UN Agency funded Implementing Partners for Nutrition projects. In addition, she will provided on-the-job training, timely technical assistance for partner staff on IYCF and CMAMI and organize different nutrition events including such as World Breastfeeding Week, National Nutrition Week, VAS campaign, ensure that quality standards will be met during implementation, activities will regularly monitor, and progress will be reported in a timely manner. The ENO will be the first line of support for nutrition partners camps identifying bottlenecks, provide corrective actions and feedback to the nutrition section on results achieve against key indicators of CMAMI and IYCF.
D. Deliverables
Monthly Deliverables/Outputs: |
Timeline |
Schedules |
i. Program Implementation support
- Support the nutrition programs in Camps in all planning, implementation, monitoring, accountability, and quality assurance to attain the expected successful outcomes of IYCF and CMAMI interventions.
- Work closely with implementing partners for improving the IYCF/CMAMI programme in 26 Integrated Health Facilities and 27 Integrated Nutrition Facilities.
- Promote and support training on IYCF and CMAMI of the nutrition staff and build the capacity of the Nutrition partners based on the mapping and understanding of available capacity.
- Provide technical support in implementation of quality IYCF Nutrition interventions and CMAMI at the community and facility level
- Maintain close collaboration with GoB and cooperate with the nutrition sector and NGOs in joint supportive supervision activities and ensuring quality IYCF implementation and reporting, according technical standards.
- Provide technical and operational support to partners to implement community base nutrition programme in camp on IYCF and CMAMI.
- Provide support in organizing Donor/ GOB visit.
ii. Supply and logistics
- Support implementing partners forecasting logistics and supplies to ensure proper and optimum environment in IYCF and CMAMI corner for quality services.
iii. Coordination and Collaboration
- Maintain coordination with implementing partners, and update the program activities regularly
- Coordinate with partners for arranging trainings for the field level staffs for their capacity building on IYCF and CMAMI.
- Cooperate with the nutrition sector, partners, and other sectors as appropriate to harmonize and ensure quality implementation of IYCF-E and CMAMI activities.
- Support community level interventions and liaise with the CICs (Camp in Charges) and block leaders in the camp for smooth implementation of the IYCF/CMAMI programs.
- Represent UN Agency in different meetings and forums at camp camp level and advocate for IYCF and /CMAMI promotion
iv. Monitoring, Evaluation and Quality assurance
- Strengthen nutrition information system through data documentation, monitoring coverage & quality of report with nutrition data elements on IYCF and CMAMI
- Analyse daily, weekly and monthly reports of the IYCF/CMAMI programs and provide support in mitigating the gaps and quality improvement.
- Conduct regular monitoring visits to nutrition and health facilities to ensure delivery of quality IYCF counselling, provide supportive supervision/on-the job training to the service providers as per the recommendations of the Monitoring site checklist.
- Ensure accomplishment of IYCF and CMAMI program activities with timely and quality outcomes
- Prepare case studies and document best practices.
v. Reporting
- Monthly activity reports with detailed information on activities implemented (targets versus achievements) on IYCF and CMAMI
- Specific deliverables such as training reports will be submitted on a need-base
- NAW, NVAC and other related events report on their involvement and support
- Any other support required by emergency team and sections of UN Agency
1st July 2021 – 15th June 2022 |
July 2021 – 15 June 2022 |
E. Consultancy Costs
- The ENO will get BDT 216,000 per month as a consolidated package.
- The ENO will report to the will have indirect reporting line to Nutrition Specialist of UN Agency, Cox’s Bazar to submit the deliverables outlined under reporting requirement.
- If the consultant required to travel outside their duty station, prior approval will be required, then travel and DSA costs will be reimbursed at actuals.
- UN Agency will not provide consultant with computer/laptops/printers/office space.
- Stationery, communication and other office equipment costs will have to be borne by the Consultant
- Consultant will be responsible to pay all taxes as per government rules and regulations. E-Zone will make statutory deductions towards income tax as per government rules and regulations.
F. Profile Requirements & Qualification Skills
- University degree in Health or Nutrition.
- At least 2 years' working experience in nutrition and/or health required.
- Candidates having experience in IYCF and supporting mothers facing feeding difficulties among young infants in health facility/field level will be preferred
- Demonstrated strong competencies in drive for results, communication and working with people
- Knowledge of the emergency response is essential
- Experience in working with government counterparts and civil society organizations will be an asset
- Excellent communication and presentation skills.
- Fluency in Bangla and English required.
- Willingness to travel frequently, including hard to reach and remote areas
- Female candidates will be considered for this position
This position is open for Bangladeshi Nationals only. All candidates, irrespective of gender, religious and ethnic backgrounds can apply for the vacancies.
The UN Agency prides itself as fostering a multicultural and harmonious work environment, guaranteed by a zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse, and on any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment and discrimination. All selected consultants will undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
Candidates with the required profile and proven experience, who meet these qualifications, are invited to submit their application in English clearly mentioning the Job Title along with a meaningful cover letter, updated CV, recent PP size photograph by email to:
Last Date of Application : 22nd June, 2021
No phone calls please. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All applications will be treated according to the merit and with strict confidentiality.