E-Zone HRM Limited is a management consulting group providing one-stop solutions to clients who seek improved and sustainable profitability through the effective use of their people and resources. We specialize in delivering innovative and value added services that promote revenue growth and cost containment.
E-Zone HRM Limited has a formal agreement with one of the United Nations agency to provide outsourcing services under a third party contract.
E-Zone HRM Limited is now accepting applications from Bangladeshi Nationals for the following vacancies under third party outsourcing contract modality:
National Consultant (MNCH)
Duty Station: DGHS, Mohakhali Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Contract Duration: 11 months period
Number of Vacancies: 1 (One)
Contract Type: Contract with E-Zone
Contract Start Date: 01 Dec 2020
Reporting to: Health Specialist, Maternal and Adolescent Health
1. Background:
Recently, the MOHFW has approved the Bangladesh National Strategy for Maternal Health 2019-30. The strategy gives a broad guidance to achieve the results of SDG along with the national targets to improve maternal health. Though, Bangladesh is a globally recognized case of success in achieving progress in maternal and child health, the maternal mortality has stagnated in the last few years. The major challenges are inadequately equipped facilities, including energy, water supply and hygiene requirements, insufficient availability of skilled human resources, lack of accountability and poor quality of care. There is no evidence-based action by the health managers to improve the situation. The out of pocket expenditure is significantly high as the private sector plays key role to serve majority of the population. The proven effective interventions for maternal health are not implemented systematically, and the delivery of service package by level remains unclear, whereby efficient use of health care force is suboptimal. There is an urgent need of an implementable action plan for executing the national strategy by different level of health care facilities, with ‘rightsizing’ of care and health workers is practiced. UN Agency has played important role in approving the maternal health strategy and the development of the National Action Plan for Maternal Health with support from other agencies which is in a process of endorsement.
The current COVID-19 has further hampered the implementation process of the routine activities. The utilization of the services has decreased by 50% or more in many services. After the training on the new COVID guideline, the service uptake has started to restore. But the routine works remained unimplemented in most of the programs.
The Mid-Term-Review of the health sector program recommended to increase coverage and quality of services for MNCAH including CEmONC and BEmONC and monitoring of the progress of the maternal services integration of nutrition with EPI. The demand generation activities through communication for development need to be further strengthened.
Through the project of Global Affairs Canada (GAC), support for Maternal Newborn and Child Health has been provided including technical assistance to strengthen the capacity and readiness of government district hospitals and mother child welfare centers for 24/7 comprehensive obstetric care, implementation of gender-responsive women friendly hospital initiative and Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) in 5 districts and scaling up good practices nationwide. UN Agency is also supporting the MOHFW for operationalizing the Quality Improvement strategic framework and strengthen on-site support for QoC of MNCH services at district and Upazila level facilities.
In this context, UN Agency will provide technical assistance with support of the above-mentioned activities at the national level to facilitate the implementation process and monitoring of the activity progress. The national consultants will be based at HSM unit of the DGHS and closely work with MoH&FW, DGHS, DGFP, DGNM and other partners under the direct supervision of the Line Director-HSM, DGHS and technical supervision by the UN Agency staff member.
2. Objectives, Purpose and Expected Results
The objective of hiring national MNCAH consultant is to provide day to day technical assistance and support the HSM and MNH team at DGHS and coordinate with LD-MNCAH/MCRAH, Directors Hospital and concerned Programmes, and concerned LD from DGFP for the smooth implementation of the MNCAH activities as per the Joint GOB-UN Agency Work-Plan and incorporating feedback from sector program (MTR2020).
This consultancy will contribute for operationalization of the key activities of National Strategy for Maternal Health and ultimately achieve the results for improving the quality of care for maternal and newborn health services.
3. Description of Assignment
The consultant will be based in the DGHS and support the HSM and MNH team of the DGHS for the implementation of the planned activities on WFHI, MPDSR and Quality improvement as per the operational plan of Hospital Services Management and MNCAH. He will be responsible for coordinating with the LD-MCRAH of DGFP, concerned focal of the DGNM, concerned programme Managers (HSM/MNH/MCRAH/IMCI-NNHP/CBHC/HMIS) and other to facilitate the implementation.
The consultant will help the program managers in identifying the key intervention and provide technical assistance for effective implementation of the interventions. The consultant will mainly work operationalizing the new WFHI version-2 within the Hospital Services Management. The second key activities are implementation and monitoring of MPDSR in the GAC districts and scaling up of the program nationwide with the program manager of MNH, DGHS. The consultant will also support the HSM team and facilitate implementation of the quality improvement activities in the Operational Plan including coordination support. The consultant will co-ordinate with QIS, NIPSOM, BSMMU, OGSB and other key partners to strengthen the on-site support for quality improvement of the MNH services including CEmONC and BEmONC at the facilities and monitoring of the progress and introduce regular monitoring and coordination mechanism between operational plan and program managers.
4. Deliverables
- Implementation of gender-responsive Women Friendly Hospital Initiative (WFHI) version-2 in the 5 GAC districts (Rangamati, Patuakhali, Sirajganj, Maulvibazar and Jamalpur).
- Support HSM operational plan for scaling up of WFHI in new health facilities
- Facilitate and support LD-HSM team for coordination and implementation of Quality Improvement activities for QoC of MNH services including CEmoNC/BEmONC and SCANU.
- Technical assistance in scaling up of the good practices in MPDSR implementation from GAC Nationwide
- Support in implementation of the revised MPDSR guideline and integrating activities through PDCA cycle
- Monitoring of the EmONC services in GAC districts
- Support LD-HSM team and facilitate to coordinate with CDC, CBHC and MNCAH to institutionalize Infection Prevention Control (IPC) including essential supplies and revitalize essential MNCAH services to combat COVID-19 in the GAC and FCDO supported hospitals in 13 districts
- Integrating ad operationalize suggestion from MTR 2020 on maternal health
Deliverables/Outputs: |
Reporting requirement |
Deliverable: 1 (1st month)
- Desk review of the WFHI, MPDSR, Quality Improvement (QI) and EmONC services and draft a draft action plan for 11 months
- Submit a report on the WFHI overall status through field visit and way forward for implementation of WFHI operational guideline.
- Produce status report on MPDSR training plan of the government
- Facilitate organizing a coordination meeting on QI and produce status report on the QI including planned activities of HSM and QIS
- Organize health sectoral review meeting with the partners on Maternal Health to incorporate feedback from MTR
- Tentative action plan for the consultant based on the desk review
- Status report of the WFHI
- Status report of MPDSR
- One Coordination meeting organized on QI and status report on Quality Improvement activities
- Presentation on MTR findings and development of key actions to incorporate in OP
Deliverable: 2 (2nd month)
- Conduct training on WFHI version 2 at national level and implementation plan for all component of the WFHI
- Conduct workshop of revision of the WFHI assessment tool by OGSB
- Conduct national refresher on MPDSR to all GAC district including other districts (48 districts)
- Provide technical assistance in monitoring of the WFHI as per the HSM OP
- Facilitate and coordinate with QIS/NIPSOM/MNCAH/BSMMU to organize quarterly webinars with intervention districts for performance tracking of Quality Improvement activities to improve QoC of MNH services including CEmONC, BEmONC, SCANU etc.
- Facilitate and coordinate with CDC/MNCAH/CBHC and DGFP to track functioning of the IPC committees at facilities for institutionalizing standard Infection Prevention Control (IPC) and Triage as per national protocol and guidelines in COVID-19 context
- Status report of WFHI workshop
- Status report on MPDSR TOT
- Report on monitoring visit
- Revised WFHI assessment tool
- One webinar organized on QI
- Status report on functional status of IPC committees at facilities
Deliverable: 3 (3rd month)
- Support MNH DGHS to finalize and print the new MPDSR guideline incorporating the Still-birth review
- Organize a video monitoring of the MPDSR progress with all districts (3batch)
- Assessment of the WFHI of two district hospital in GAC districts
- Establishment of satisfaction booth in all GAC districts
- Facilitate and coordinate with CDC/MNCAH/CBHC to track functioning of the IPC committees at facilities for institutionalizing standard Infection Prevention Control (IPC) and Triage as per national protocol and guidelines in COVID-19 context
- Final version of MPDSR
- Status report of MPDSR video monitoring with findings and further recommendations
- Assessment report of WFHI
- Functioning of satisfaction booth in 4 GAC districts
- Status report on functional status of IPC committees at facilities
Deliverable: 4 (4th month)
- Monitoring of the WFHI and organize district training of the WFHI in 5 GAC districts
- Complete assessment of the GAC districts and other health facilities
- Ensure fund from the operational plan for WFHI
- Monitor MPDSR activities at national level
- Facilitate and coordinate with CDC/MNCAH/CBHC to track functioning of the IPC committees at facilities for institutionalizing standard Infection Prevention Control (IPC) and Triage as per national protocol and guidelines in COVID-19 context
- Training report on WFHI
- Assessment report
- OP funding utilization report
- MPDSR monitoring report
- Status report on functional status of IPC committees at facilities
Deliverable: 5 (5th month)
- Organize MPDSR cause analysis workshop training in all districts using innovative technology
- Improve DHIS-2 reporting status of MPDSR and organize training on MPDSR reporting
- Develop gender disaggregate dashboard for health managers for decision making process
- Facilitate and coordinate with QIS/NIPSOM/MNCAH/BSMMU to organize quarterly webinars with intervention districts for performance tracking of Quality Improvement activities to improve QoC of MNH services including CEmONC, BEmONC, SCANU etc.
- Facilitate and coordinate with CDC/MNCAH/CBHC to track functioning of the IPC committees at facilities for institutionalizing standard Infection Prevention Control (IPC) and Triage as per national protocol and guidelines in COVID-19 context
- Monitor NASG implementation at Maulvibazar and conduct evaluation
- Progress monitoring of the MH action plan and operation plan
- Status report training
- Status report on MPDSR training
- Report on dashboard
- One webinar organized on QI
- Status report on functional status of IPC committees at facilities
- Incorporated feedback on OP from MTR
Deliverable: 6 (6th month)
- Organize MPDSR cause analysis workshop training in all districts using innovative technology
- Improve DHIS-2 reporting status of MPDSR and organize training on MPDSR reporting
- Develop gender disaggregate dashboard and orientation on dashboard for health managers for decision making process
- Organize online refresher on the EmONC signal function
- Facilitate and coordinate with CDC/MNCAH/CBHC to track functioning of the IPC committees at facilities for institutionalizing standard Infection Prevention Control (IPC) and Triage as per national protocol and guidelines in COVID-19 context
- Status report of MPDSR training
- Summary report of DHIS-2
- Status report on managers training
- Status report on functional status of IPC committees at facilities
Deliverable: 7 (7th month)
- Organize MPDSR cause analysis workshop training in all districts using innovative technology
- Online monitoring of the WFHI and establishing the organizational committee of WFHI
- Develop MPDSR dashboard for health managers
- Conduct monitoring of the EmONC services and organize workshop on new EmONC guideline by the OGSB
- Facilitate and coordinate with CDC/MNCAH/CBHC to track functioning of the IPC committees at facilities for institutionalizing standard Infection Prevention Control (IPC) and Triage as per national protocol and guidelines in COVID-19 context
- Organize meeting with C4D and Nutrition sector program to develop key action plans for maternal health
- Status report MPDSR
- Online monitoring report of WFHI
- MPDSR dashboard
- Status report on functional status of IPC committees at facilities
- Listing key action on C4D and Nutrition incorporating on the OP
Deliverable: 8 (8th month)
- Organize national workshop on assessment of WFHI in the health facility
- Conduct accreditation of WFHI in 3 districts hospitals
- Online monitoring of the WFHI and orientation of the organizational committee of WFHI
- Complete training of TOT for all WFHI districts (40 districts)
- Facilitate and coordinate with QIS/NIPSOM/MNCAH/BSMMU to organize quarterly webinars with intervention districts for performance tracking of Quality Improvement activities to improve QoC of MNH services including CEmONC, BEmONC, SCANU etc.
- Facilitate and coordinate with CDC/MNCAH/CBHC to track functioning of the IPC committees at facilities for institutionalizing standard Infection Prevention Control (IPC) and Triage as per national protocol and guidelines in COVID-19 context
- Report on national workshop
- Accreditation visit report by OGSB
- Status report on orientation
- Revised assessment tool
- One webinar organized on QI
- Status report on functional status of IPC committees at facilities
Deliverable: 9 (9th month)
- Organize MPDSR cause analysis workshop training in all districts using innovative technology
- Improve DHIS-2 reporting status of MPDSR and organize training on MPDSR reporting
- Develop gender disaggregate dashboard and orientation on dashboard for health managers for decision making process
- Organize national workshop on MPDSR
- Facilitate and coordinate with CDC/MNCAH to track functioning of the IPC committees at facilities for institutionalizing standard Infection Prevention Control (IPC) and Triage as per national protocol and guidelines in COVID19 context
- Report of MPDSR cause and a bulletin
- Training report on MPDSR
- Report on dashboard and feedbacks
- Report on national workshop
- Status report on functional status of IPC committees at facilities
Deliverable: 10 (10th month)
- Monitoring of the WFHI and organize district training of the WFHI in 5 GAC districts
- Complete assessment of the GAC districts and other health facilities
- Ensure fund from the operational plan for WFHI for 40 districts
- Monitor MPDSR activities at national level
- Facilitate and coordinate with CDC/MNCAH/CBHC to track functioning of the IPC committees at facilities for institutionalizing standard Infection Prevention Control (IPC) and Triage as per national protocol and guidelines in COVID-19 context
- Status report on training
- Assessment report
- Fund utilization
- MPDSR report
- Status report on functional status of IPC committees at facilities
Deliverable: 11 (11th month)
- Organize accreditation visit by the OGSB team to ensure accreditation 5 health facilities
- Conduct monitoring of the EmONC services and organize workshop on new EmONC guideline by the OGSB
- Organize a round table on WFHI nationally
- Facilitate and coordinate with QIS/NIPSOM/MNCAH/BSMMU to organize quarterly webinars with intervention districts for performance tracking of Quality Improvement activities to improve QoC of MNH services including CEmONC, BEmONC, SCANU etc.
- Facilitate and coordinate with CDC/MNCAH/CBHC to track functioning of the IPC committees at facilities for institutionalizing standard Infection Prevention Control (IPC) and Triage as per national protocol and guidelines in COVID-19 context
- Accreditation report
- Monitoring report
- Round table report published
- Report on coordination meeting
- One webinar organized on QI
- Status report on functional status of IPC committees at facilities
5. Profile Requirements, Qualification & Skills
Bachelor degree in Medicine with Master’s in public health or International health with at least 5 years working experience with government and UN partners. Working experience in developing countries specially in MNCAH implementation, gender-based programming, Emergency obstetric services, Quality Improvement and surveillance activities will be preferred.
6. Consultancy Costs
Cost of the Consultant:
- The consultants will get BDT 250,000.00 per month for 11 months as a consolidated package which includes lumpsum travel cost in duty station, so consultant will not claim any travel cost in addition to this. If the consultants are required to travel outside their duty station, prior approval will be required, then travel and DSA costs will be reimbursed at actuals.
- Consultant will be located in Dhaka with frequent field visit to intervention sites/districts as required and report to Health Officer, Urban health.
- UN Agency will not provide consultant with computer/laptops/printers/office space
- Officer Space Computer, communication and other office equipment expenses will be borne by the Consultant
- Consultant will be responsible to pay all taxes as per government rules and regulations. E-Zone will make statutory deductions towards income tax as per government rules and regulations
This position is open for Bangladeshi Nationals only. All candidates, irrespective of gender, religious and ethnic backgrounds can apply for the vacancies.
The UN agency prides itself as fostering a multicultural and harmonious work environment, guaranteed by a zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse, and on any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment and discrimination. All selected consultants will undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
Candidates with the required profile and proven experience, who meet these qualifications, are invited to submit their application in English clearly mentioning the Job Title along with a meaningful cover letter, updated CV, recent PP size photographby email to:
Last Date of Application: 13th December 2020
No phone calls please. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All applications will be treated according to the merit and with strict confidentiality. |