Annual Program Statement for Concept Papers

(First Window- Environmental Pollution, Dhaka District Only)

Issuance Date : 9/29/2020
Deadline for Submission of Concept Papers : 10/28/2020


The purpose of this Annual Program Statement (APS) is to solicit concept papers for funding. The Counterpart International (CPI)-implemented Promoting Advocacy and Rights project (hereafter referred to as CPI/PAR), is seeking concept papers first, then full applications from prospective applicants to implement activities that are possible within Bangladesh’s current national or legal framework.

Promoting Advocacy and Rights (PAR) is a five (5) year program funded through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Kingdom Agency for International Development (UKaid). The goal of the USAID-funded Promoting Advocacy and Rights (PAR) project is to strengthen the enabling environment for sustained civil society institutions advancing democratic governance and citizen participation in Bangladesh. Additionally, the project will contribute to a more inclusive, resilient, and evidence-driven Bangladeshi civil society.


Concept papers should include activities which:

  • Address community-based issues that cut across geographic locations, horizontally as well as vertically, culminating in addressing issues at the Upazila, regional or national level, using multiple methods of intervention at each appropriate level; and
  • Address community-based issues exclusive to one or more aspects of the priority advocacy issue that are common across several sectors. Select a specific range of problems to be addressed and identify key points of engagement.

Issue Area 1/First Window: Environmental Pollution

Under Issue Area 1, CPI/PAR intends to award funds to a consortium of organizations seeking to address environmental pollution issues in their community through advocacy interventions. The environmental pollution grant will be limited to organizations seeking to work only in Dhaka district.


Browse the link below for the full APS and other information for submitting the concept paper:

This APS is designed to catalyze, facilitate, and support collaboration. As such, this APS is an invitation to participate in a co-creation process that CPI/PAR will extend to nonprofit organizations who will work in partnership with organizations of varying size, and will create links with the CSOs, the government, the private sector and other key stakeholders as appropriate, to achieve project objectives.

CPI reserves the right to fund any or none of the applications submitted. Further, CPI reserves the right to make no awards as a result of this APS.


The points of contact for this APS and any questions during the APS process are: PAR Grants Office, .