Expression of Interest Details

Project Name The Feed the Future Bangladesh Cereal Systems Initiatives for South Asia Mechanization Extension Activity (CSISA-MEA)
Implementing agency CIMMYT, iDE, Georgia Tech
Date of issue September 18, 2024
Closing date of Application Applications will be received no later than October 01, 2024. From the day of EoI circulation.
EOI theme to apply Developing innovative channels to ensure eAwareness to the farmers through digital platforms for appropriate agricultural practices, agricultural mechanization and Integrated Pest Management (IPMA) which will be financially sustainable and scalable in next years
Eligible entities
  1. Registered, social enterprises, digital and e-commerce solution providers
  2. The project seeks partnership with one or more partner(s) or consortia of partners in each category, subject to alignment with CSISA-MEA and USAID’s priorities, due diligence, and agreement on terms.
Contents of EOI application The application package must include a technical proposal and a financial proposal.
Evaluation criteria Legal entities and due diligence set by the project will be considered as go or no-go criteria. Alongside of the above, the organization's capacity (20%), technical capability (60%) and financial capability (20%) will be assessed by a review committee.

The Feed the Future Bangladesh Cereal Systems Initiatives for South Asia Mechanization Extension Activity (CSISA-MEA) is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from interested private companies (i.e., social enterprises, digital and e-commerce solution providers) engaged in eAwareness solutions on agricultural information to the farmers through digital platforms.

Click here to view details EOI