Position Title: Senior Officer - LLA and CIS under Nature Based Adaptation towards Prosperous and Adept Lives & Livelihoods in Bangladesh (NABAPALLAB/ নবপল্লব)

Number of Positions: 1
Location: Based at Kulaura Regional Office
Duration: Initial contract will be for one year, contract may be extended subject to satisfactory performance

I.             Job Summary:  

CARE is one of the world's leading international humanitarian and development organizations, committed to helping people in poor communities improve their lives and alleviate poverty. Founded in 1945, CARE is working over 121 countries to fight global poverty and marginalization. CARE has been active in Bangladesh since 1949 and is one of the largest programs in CARE confederation. Women and girls are at the core of all CARE programs because they represent half of the marginalized group and it is not possible to overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities. CARE Bangladesh works to implement programs with long-term impacts that result in sustainable changes for the extreme poor and marginalized communities.

CARE Bangladesh's Humanitarian and Climate Action Program is committed to provide people affected by disasters and conflicts with life-saving assistance, with a special focus on women and girls, who are disproportionately affected by disasters. Our action also includes preparedness and early action, emergency response and recovery, and resilience and adaptation to climate change and equitable development.

The UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) has selected a CARE Bangladesh led consortium to implement the project titled 'Nature Based Adaptation towards Prosperous and Adept Lives & Livelihoods in Bangladesh (NABAPALLAB) in two Ecologically Critical Areas (ECAs) – the Sundarbans and Hakaluki Haor. The other consortium members are CNRS, Cordaid, C3ER-BRAC University, Dushtha Shasthya Kendra (DSK), Friendship, Humanity & Inclusion (HI), iDE, and Practical Action.  It is a key component of the Bangladesh-UK Accord on Climate Change and will deliver the adaptation outcome of the FCDO's flagship Bangladesh Climate and Environment Programme (BCEP). The programme will make a significant contribution in Bangladesh to progress against GoB's policies and priorities e.g., National Adaptation Plan (NAP), Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), commitments to biodiversity conservation, ongoing 8th Five Year Plan, etc. And it will also contribute to UK's commitment to International Climate Finance (ICF).

Due to environmental sensitivity and high anthropogenic pressures such as overharvesting, overfishing, pollution and illegal logging, the Sundarbans mangrove and the Hakaluki Hoar wetland are at a vulnerable stage with climate change exacerbating the current situation. FCDO's NABAPALLAB aims to engage biodiversity and natural resource-dependent communities to strengthen the climate resilience of the ECAs, conserve biodiversity, and at the same time, diversify and improve people's livelihood through innovative nature-based (NBS) and locally led adaptation solutions.  It will increase climate resilience of more than 250,000 vulnerable households and ecosystem-based protection and restoration of 5,000km2 area in, especially in the districts of Bagerhat, Satkhira and Khulna in the Sundarbans ECA, and Maulvibazar and Sylhet in Hakaluki Haor. To achieve FCDO's NABAPALLAB goal, CARE and its partners   will work with different ministries specially , Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Department of Forest, Department of Environment (DoE), Ministry of Land, Local Government Engineering Department (LGED),  Bangladesh Water Development Board, Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) etc. of the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) at the national, regional and local levels, to implement the most appropriate NbS and Locally-led Adaptations (LLA) solutions for the Sundarbans and Hakaluki haor ecosystems.

The Senior Officer - LLA and CIS based in Kulaura, directly reporting to the Program Manager-Climate Information and Weather Services, NABAPALLAB, is overall responsible for facilitating FCDO’s NABAPALLAB’s goal to achieve year-round Weather and Climate Information Services for the people in the Hakaluki ECA. He will also be responsible for providing technical input in all technical designs to embed the principles of locally led Adaptation principles and potential Climate Information and monitor effective implementation. He will also take technical lead in periodic evidence generation on hazard, exposure and vulnerability as well as the needs and impact of effective Weather and Climate Information Services in the NABAPALLAB Project.

II.  Responsibilities and Tasks:  

% of Time

Responsibility # 1: Understanding Climatic Risk (Knowledge Management) and Preparedness to respond


  • Stocktaking and tracking of of shocks and stresses phenomena as well as loss and damage data.
  • Supporting stocktaking and monitoring of existing Early warning systems tailored for communities living in the targeted geographical regions
  • Supporting development and operationalization of in-house Multi-hazard Monitoring System
  • District, upazila and union-wise hazard, exposure and vulnerability information collection, collation and evidence generation through conducting and updating Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) and  Locally-Led Adaptation Plan (LLAP)
  • Supporting the development of climate-related information packages for considering existing cropping seasons in Bangladesh through-different forecasting timescales (weather, 1-10 days and seasonal, 1-6 months);
  • Monitoring and evaluation of the sector-specific multi-hazard analysis and forecast. Provide technical assistance in the formulation and development of a climate information services manual with minimum standard requirements for Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)practices.
  • Develop technical guidance, tools, training curriculum and other related materials as required for achieving the goals for Early Warning For All
  • Capacity building on climate information service product development (in liaison with BMD, AIS, BAMIS etc) and climate information service provision through various dissemination platforms;
  • Supporting Needs assessment, Feasibility Assessment and Impact Assessment of different NABAPALLAB interventions to embed Weather and Climate Information lenses for ensuring effectiveness and sustainability.


Responsibility # 2: Detection, observations, monitoring, analysis and forecasting


  • Supporting the development of framework and tools for detection and observations, ensuring sector-specific impact analysis based on the detected Early Warning information.
  • Compilation of Advisories on Livelihood ,Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock rearing for the targeted geographical regions.
  • Supporting development of information products to strengthen existing national satellite/observation- based weather, and seasonal forecasts and advisories targeted to smallholder farmers;


Responsibility # 3: Warning dissemination and communication


  • Development of a draft weather and climate Information flow manual with specified standards in consultation with stakeholders, services providers
  • Develop effective and user friendly dissemination system of climate information through mobile phones, television, website community radio, community meetings and local posters and bulletins;
  • mplementation of emerging climate information needs for users during project implementation
  • support the establishment of a comprehensive, functional and sustainable climate services information system to enhance the resilience of agricultural livelihoods;
  • Design and formatting of advisories and distribution of messages, based on the sectoral products (agriculture, livestock, fisheries etc.)


Responsibility # 4: Coordination and collaboration


  • Carrying out multi-stakeholder consultations with service providers and users to determine the suite of climate information products and services at regional level
  • Facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration among project partners, stakeholders, and other relevant organizations to promote the use of CIS;
  • Maintain regular coordination and communication with local and regional actors for effective implementation of a comprehensive, functional and sustainable climate services information system to enhance the resilience of agricultural livelihoods.




Responsibility: Responsibilities on Safety and Security, Gender and Inclusion and Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults

As part of this role, the job holder must adhere to and support CARE Bangladesh’s Safety and Security policy and systems as part of their day-to-day duties and comply with safety & security protocols and directives, including reporting. Staff must maintain situational and self–awareness and be aware of the safety – security-related consequences of their actions upon themselves, their team, and the organization.

CARE is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behavior at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity, and financial misconduct, and expects staff to promote the welfare of children, young people, and adults always.  CARE expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through our Code of Conduct.  We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate this commitment are recruited to work with us.

Gender equality and inclusion are fundamental at CARE, promoting equal rights and challenging discriminatory norms to achieve social justice. We foster an inclusive workplace respecting diverse gender identities, abilities, backgrounds, and experiences through dialogue, training, and diversity initiatives. All CARE staff must uphold ethical standards, following codes of conduct to prevent abuse, including sexual harassment, exploitation, and neglect. Regular monitoring ensures accountability to uphold these principles and support our mission of social justice and poverty alleviation.

III. Reporting to:  

Program Manager - Climate Information and Weather Services

IV. Working Conditions:  

Based at Kulaura

  • Qualification:
  • 5 Years of professional experience especially in national and regional level coordination, evidence generation, system development and monitoring.
  • Master’s degree preferable in Meteorology/Geography/Environmental Science/Disaster Management
  • Proficiency in computer skills including but not limited to Remote sensing, GIS, Database development and management, PowerBI, MS Access and Tableau.
  • Proficiency in both Bengali and English.
  • CARE Core Competencies as noted below:

Candidates need to be highly motivated and committed to CARE Bangladesh’s vision, mission, and long-term development work to significantly improve the lives of the most vulnerable and marginalized Candidates must be capable of displaying great learning agility, support and encourage knowledge sharing across projects, for the ultimate benefit of all of CARE’s mission wide initiatives.


Monthly gross salary: BDT 78,644 (Negotiable). In addition, CARE offers Provident Fund, Gratuity, Festival Bonus, Leave Encashment, Life and Health Insurance, Working Mother Benefits etc.

Interested candidates meeting the above requirements should apply through CARE Bangladesh’s e-recruitment site: https://career.carebangladesh.org/ on or before January 15, 2025. 


  • CARE Bangladesh aims to attract and select a diverse workforce ensuring equal opportunity to everyone, irrespective of race, age, gender, HIV status, class, ethnicity, disability, location and religion.
  • Women are particularly encouraged to apply.
  • Any personal persuasion/phone-call will result in disqualification of candidature. We guarantee an interview to disabled candidates who meet the essential criteria.
  • CARE Bangladesh has a non-negotiable policy of ZERO TOLERANCE towards discrimination, harassment and abuse. All employees are expected to abide by the CARE International Safeguarding Policy.
  • Internal and external applicants shall be treated equally in the entire selection process.
  • To ensure transparent processes during recruitment, internal candidates should discuss potential applications with their Line Managers to ensure endorsement of their applications by respective Line Managers.
  • CARE Bangladesh participates in the Inter-Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. In line with this Scheme, we hereby request information from candidate’s previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the candidate left employment. All CARE Bangladesh’s offers of employment are subject to satisfactory references and appropriate screening checks. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.