Date: 25-03-2025

Issued on: 25-03-2025

Individual Consultant/Consultancy firm

Request for Proposal: Invitation Letter for HR Consultant for Developing the HR Policy Manual for Climate Bridge Fund (CBF)

Climate Bridge Fund (CBF) is a trust fund established by BRAC with support from the Government of Germany through KfW. CBF is an innovative climate finance mechanism to address climate change adverse impacts in selected urban areas of the country. With that aim, CBF was launched on 15 January 2020. The main goal of the fund is to build resilience among the vulnerable people of Bangladesh who are either displaced or are at risk of being displaced due to impacts of climate change.

The Climate Bridge fund has been established under the financial conditions of KfW grant reference no. BMZ 2015.40.525 as well and Trust deed registration no. IV-92 date 14/11/2019 for the financing of “Climate Bridge Fund”.

In this regard, BRAC has signed the “Separate Financial Agreement” with “The KfW Development Bank, Germany” as a settler of the Climate Bridge Fund for the supporting of the “Facility Climate Change Adaptation and Climate Induced Migration-Emergency Response Window (COVID19)” related projects.

CBF aims to develop its HR policies, drawing insights from BRAC’s HR Policy and Procedures while ensuring full compliance with the Bangladesh Labour Code. The HR Consultant will be responsible for developing a comprehensive HR Policy Manual, integrating relevant elements from BRAC’s policies to support CBF’s operational needs and strategic objectives.

Here we are enclosing the ToR for the mentioned services. We are looking forward to receive (i) CV/ Profile of the Individual mentioning the required experiences as per the attached ToR (ii) a technical proposal describing the methodology (iii) a budget for the assignment as per ToR.

Closing Date: Interested consultancy firms are kindly requested to submit electronically signed copies of their technical and financial proposals to cbf.info@brac.net with the subject line: “HR Consultant for Developing the HR Policy Manual for Climate Bridge Fund (CBF)” The submission deadline is on April 10, 2025.

For any inquiries related to the Terms of Reference, please contact Biplab Debnath at biplab.debnath@brac.net OR Ayesha Haque at ayesha.haque@brac.net / or call +8801788275986

"Women entrepreneurs are highly encouraged to apply".

To download full RFP, Click this Link.