Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities (Mellon Fellow)
Vacancies: 9 (in areas of History, Literature, Philosophy and Comparative Religious Studies)
Employment Status: Full-time contractual
Job Location: Chittagong, Bangladesh
Job Context: Developing AUW’s capacity to teach the humanities from an Asian perspective and to generate fresh and exciting ideas
Core Responsibilities:
- Research and publication in the applicant’s area of specialization
- Teaching two courses per term (six per year)
- Program development
- Other duties as assigned by Dean of Humanities
Qualifications and Experience Required:
- Doctorate from recognized university in relevant field
- Experience of working in a liberal arts environment in a well-established university or college
- Excellent command of spoken and written English
- Appropriate IT skills
- Experience of working in a multicultural environment with excellent communication skills
- Excellent interpersonal skills and capacity to build constructive partnerships and to engage in effective teamwork
- Ability to represent the University in a professional manner and to communicate effectively and persuasively
- Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
Start Date: As soon as possible |