Terms of Reference (TOR) Develop/update for AFAD.

AFAD (Association For Alternative Development) is a women-led non-profit organization based in northern Bangladesh, actively working since 1999 to empower women and girls for a world of equal opportunities and full potential. AFAD is a dynamic force for positive change, championing gender equality and women's empowerment. The organization addresses a wide range of critical issues, including gender equality, education, economic empowerment, disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change resilience, WASH, livelihood, and the localization of humanitarian aid. AFAD is registered with the NGO Affairs Bureau (NGOAB) of the Prime Minister's Office of the People's Republic of the Government of Bangladesh, with registration number 2443. It also obtained registration from the Directorate of Women's Affairs (DWA). Simultaneously, AFAD is registered with the Directorate of Youth Development, Government of Bangladesh.

With the support of Malteser International, AFAD has been implementing a localization project titled "ToGETHER! - Towards Greater Effectiveness and Timeliness in Humanitarian Emergency Response" in Bangladesh since 2021. The project aims to transcend organizational boundaries, enabling local and international partners to develop approaches to humanitarian responses and create synergies during crisis response collaboratively. It also supports local actors in enhancing their capabilities in humanitarian response, preparedness, coordination, and advocacy. Additionally, the program aims to create opportunities for establishing complementary partnerships and promoting the roles of local partners. Capacity-strengthening and exchange measures are based on LHPs' self-defined needs and priorities, as well as the broader humanitarian context within their countries and contexts As part of the project's partner organizational capacity strengthening activities, AFAD is going to hire consultant/ Consultancy Firm to develop/update the following policy in English.

  1. AFAD-(I) Gender Policy & (II) Safeguard Policy
  2. Development of Strategic Plan of AFAD
  3. Revision of the Human Resource (HR) Manual of AFAD
  4. Develop/update (I) MEAL Policy (II) Whistleblowing policy for AFAD

Please see the details in attached ToR

Application Procedure

Interested candidates/ should submit their application with proposal by 05:00 pm, January 19, 2024. Please mention above policy name in the email subject line. The proposal should be addressed to:

Email: yesminafad@gmail.com , muzahid.afad@gmail.com

Or drop the proposal by in-person / courier.

AFAD Head office, R.K Road Khalilganj , Kurigram
For further information, please contact to,
Name: Sayda Yesmin
Designation: Chief Executive, AFAD
Mobile: 01719691409
Email: yesminafad@gmail.com