Date :   15 April 2018

To :      Respective Vendor/Bidder/Service Provider/Supplier

Dear Sir/Madam:

Re.:      Request for Proposal (RfP) for Baseline Survey

World Vision Bangladesh, Nutrition Sensitive Value Chains for Smallholder Farmers Bangladesh
(NSVC) Project, Greater Mymensingh Regional Office invites Proposal/Tender/Quotation from relevant Individual Consultants/Consulting Firms (who has updated TIN, VAT Registration, Trade License and Bank A/C) for below mentioned services/items & as per ToR/specification.  

General RfP Guidelines and Instructions:

RfP Reference:


Published Date:

15 April 2018

Manner of Proposal Submission:

In sealed envelope marked “RfP-GMRO-1804-000001”

Name of office where  RfP document is available:

All Offices of World Vision Bangladesh
During WVB Office Working days (Sunday – Thursday) (09:00a.m. to 05:00p.m.) except Govt. Holidays.

Last date & time of collecting the RfP document by Vendors:

30 April 2018 up to 5:00 pm

Name of office where  Proposal shall be dropped:

Greater Mymensingh Regional Office,
World Vision Bangladesh
5 Mehagoni Road, Kachijhuli (Shahed Quarter)

During WVB Office Working days (Sunday – Thursday) (09:00a.m. to 05:00p.m.) except Govt. Holidays.

Deadline for the submission of proposals:


30 April 2018 up to 10:00 am

Procurement focal point:

Johny Jenas Gonsalves, Regional SCM Coordinator,
Greater Mymensingh Region, World Vision Bangladesh

WVB Contact regarding Technical Specification:

Arnab Kushal Mistry
Nutrition Sensitive Value Chains for Smallholder Farmers Bangladesh (NSVC) Project, Jamalpur
World Vision Bangladesh
Email :

Md. Jahadul Islam
Regional DME Coordinator, Greater Mymensingh Region, World Vision Bangladesh

Price of Each RFP:

Free of Cost

Address for RFP Distribution:
Address for RFP Submission:
Manner of Submission:
Both Technical & Financial Proposals need to be submitted separately

General Requirement for Proposal Submission: 

The offer should include the following documents which will be considered in proposal evaluation. Non-existence of any of the documents mentioned below may be treated as disqualification.




Unit Price in BDT inclusive of Tax and VAT (of the items as per Annexure-2 attached)


Submitted proposal is offer is valid for 1 (one) year (Up to April 2019)


Copy of updated Trade License


Copy of eTIN Certificate


Copy of VAT Registration Certificate


Bank Statement for last one year

WVB reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the offers in full or part with or without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Thank you for your cooperation.



Johny Jenas Gonsalves
Regional SCM Coordinator
Greater Mymensingh Region, WVB

Annex/Document Link

  1. RfP for Baseline Survey_GMR_RfP_001
  2. WVA-DFAT_Baseline_ToR_Bangladesh_NSVC
  3. Appendix_Baseline_Survey_TOR_NSVC_Additional_Information