Journalist Award for Leprosy Reporting

(for the Journalists of Electronic and Print Media)


Leprosy is a disease of great antiquity. It is thought to be one of the oldest diseases in the history of mankind. Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium leprae. It primarily affects the peripheral nerves. It also affects the skin, muscles, eyes, bones, testes and internal organs. Leprosy is a public health problem in Bangladesh with an estimated case load of about 4000 new cases per year. If leprosy is not diagnosed early and well treated, the resulting disabilities, social stigma and economic implications add to the gravity of the problem. Still stigma is higher than any other diseases. 

Considering the Leprosy situation in Bangladesh, The Leprosy Mission International Bangladesh (TLMIB) would like to invite journalists to report on leprosy that will contribute to the vision  “Leprosy Defeated, Lives Transformed” Nationally and internationally.

TLMI-B Background and History
The Leprosy Mission is an international Christian organization working with and for people affected by leprosy. Founded in 1874, The Leprosy Mission (TLM) is the oldest and largest leprosy-focused organization in the world today. TLM has been working in Bangladesh since 1991 as TLMI Bangladesh (TLMI-B). TLMI-B is working in the arena of community base rehabilitation, leprosy control, mainstreaming disability, advocacy and research with the GOB run the National Leprosy Elimination Program (NLEP) for eradicating the causes and consequences of leprosy. TLMI-B is now implementing 22 projects under 6 programs across 24 districts in 6 divisions of Bangladesh. TLMI-B has targeted the most vulnerable, excluded and discriminated groups, especially the people affected by leprosy and disability.

About Journalist Award
The role of media is undoubtedly imperative to create awareness about Leprosy in mass people. In Bangladesh media is definitely leaving a remarkable contribution to promote understanding of Leprosy side by side of the Government of Bangladesh, NGOs and other stakeholders. Considering the roles of media for Leprosy awareness, Advocacy for Empowerment (AEP) Project of TLMIB seeking support from Journalist for wider coverage of LEPROSY issues for raising public awareness and draw attention of policy makers to the evidence available for good practices in leprosy control, treatment  and rehabilitation. Mass  awareness of this neglected diseases will  contribute in early diagnosis, treatment, referral, reduce  disability resulting from leprosy and social stigma.

The awards will be given under two main categories: electronic (Excluding online news) and print media reporting. Best reporter will be awarded (1st award for Tk.30,000.00, 2nd award for Tk. 25,000.00 and 3rd award for TK.20,000.00 with Crest and Certificate).

Reporting Area and Time
Journalists will be reporting on the following area for public awareness and draw attention of policy makers –

  • Ways to reduce the suffering of people affected by leprosy
  • How to overcome barriers and social stigma
  • How to reduce disability and to break the chain of transmission
  • Integration with GoB and NGOs etc.
  • Any other relevant and important issues related to leprosy and people with leprosy

Application Guidelines:
The interested journalists are requested to inform their interest by May 15, 2015 to the Program Support Coordinator, TLMIB through Email- Mobile no. 01713362601.  And half day orientated (tentative end of May) on leprosy will be organized for the interested Journalists.

The reports need to be published in mainstream print or electronic media (preferably national level media). Published report needs to be submitted to TLMIB by October 15, 2015. A committee will review the reports to select the best reporter. The best reporter will be awarded by end 1st week of November, 2015.