Jagrata Juba Shangha (JJS) is an environmental and social development organization invite proposal for developing session module and facilitator’s guide to facilitate awareness session for children at school and community regarding climate change, disaster, children participation and leadership in climate change planning and actions under the project “Strengthening Children’s voice and leadership in addressing climate change and disaster risk in Bangladesh” funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Kindernothilfe (KNH).

Terms of Reference for Developing Session Module on Climate Change, Children Protection and Leadership

1. Background of JJS:

Jagrata Juba Shangha (JJS) is one of the oldest NGOs of the South-West coastal region of Bangladesh. It was founded in 1985. Over 38 years, it has been working on disaster management, governance and human rights, water, environment and food sovereignty; child protection, gender mainstreaming, and empowerment of people in the southwest coastal region of Bangladesh. Child protection is always a major focus of JJS. The organization carries out sensitization, education, and advocacy work for the implementation Children Act 2013 of the government of Bangladesh and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Children. JJS is a non-government, not-for-profit social and environmental development organization working since 1985 in the South-West coastal region of Bangladesh. JJS is working with people to improve their capital and power to fight poverty, injustice, and climate change in the region. The organization is playing a pivotal role in the urban and rural areas of the coastal belt by engaging itself in various development programs including climate change and disaster management, governance and human rights, water, environment, and food sovereignty; child protection, gender mainstreaming, and empowerment of people with disability and other marginalized groups. JJS is recently started a project titled Strengthening Children’s voice and leadership in addressing climate change and disaster risk in Bangladesh project in partnership with KNH, Germany with the financial support of BMZ, Germany. Overall objective of the project is “The perspectives and challenges of children and youth in the coastal regions of Bangladesh on climate change issues are entering the policy discourse and becoming an integral part of implementation strategies”.
Under this project monthly session will be held for school students and community children through which children’s capacity will be built up and they will be able to raise their voice and do advocacy with the local, regional, national and international level actors and policy makers. Through these session children will be capable to do effective participation in the local, regional and national level policy and decision making in addressing climate change and disaster risk reduction.
To conduct the sessions, a module and facilitator’s guides are required to develop. So, JJS invites individual Consultant/ consulting firm or any other resource person to submit proposal for developing session module and facilitator’s guide to run the awareness and capacity building session for children at school and community on children’s participation and leadership in disaster and climate planning and actions. systems and ensure access to healthy, culturally appropriate food. Health initiatives center on improving healthcare access, promoting healthy behaviors, and addressing social determinants of health, including healthcare infrastructure and disease prevention. Nutrition efforts aim to combat malnutrition through balanced diets, micronutrient supplementation, and nutrition Detailed are in the below:

2. Background of KNH:

Kindernothilfe e.V. (KNH) is one of the largest Christian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Europe. It was founded in 1959. For 60 years it has been working together with local NGOs and networks to protect and realize children's rights in 32 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. In 2019, KNH supported about 2 million children with almost 600 programs and projects that offer sustainable opportunities and help children in vulnerable and marginalized situations to develop their potential.

In Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Luxembourg, Kindernothilfe carries out developmental sensitization, education, and advocacy work, in particular, to contribute to the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Kindernothilfe's work is based on Christian values. The goal is achieved when children and their families lead a life with dignity and good prospects and can exercise their rights without discrimination based on their social, economic, political or religious status.

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Application Deadline: 18 May 2024